Lost in search of happiness?

Sneha Bharadwaj
3 min readNov 15, 2023


It’s an absolute truth, one that often escapes us in our relentless pursuit of more. We’re so busy searching for happiness outside ourselves that we often overlook the treasure trove of joy that resides within.

Author’s Picture with Family from their family vacation

Take a moment to ponder the simple things in life. Those are the ones that truly bring us the most happiness. It’s an irony we seldom realise when we seemingly have everything, but we’re still on a quest for more.

I hold dear the memories of my college days, where money was scarce, but laughter with friends and abundant time made it stress-free period in my life. On the other hand, when I visited Johannesburg with my son, I had ample opportunities to explore the country and even went on a few trips with colleagues, but it didn’t evoke the same sense of happiness as the moments spent with my family.

We dream of embarking on exotic journeys to far-off destinations in the hope of filling our lives with happiness. Yet, the truth is that no matter where we roam, the ultimate happiness awaits our return ( Home Sweet Home ) . No matter how breathtaking the destination, without our loved ones — our partners, our families — it seems neither exotic nor scenic, does it? The same principle applies when we indulge in lavish meals at expensive restaurants, savouring exotic dishes. But in all honesty, the greatest joy is found back at home, relishing comfort food with our loved ones, with no particular etiquette or fancy presentation. No matter how exquisite our attire for receiving compliments, it doesn’t last. The moment of recognition and fame isn’t where true contentment resides. It’s in the comfort of your pajamas , the simplicity of being yourself.

Love, life and laughter — they’re the desires that matter. The love of family transcends any expensive gifts they may shower upon us. True happiness surfaces when you’re with your partner , far more beautiful than any gift they might bestow.

Photo by D Jonez on Unsplash

Still, we find ourselves in pursuit of dreams, money and fame, often overlooking the wealth that lies within us. It’s about putting those pieces together and realising that the simplest things in life are the most precious. They are the ones that offer us lasting happiness, though sometimes, they get lost in the dazzle of artificial objects and a superficial world. One such simple means of happiness comes from “Medium”, where I read and write what resonates with my heart , and it has definitely made me a happier and healthier person :)

In this rat race for more, let’s remember the genuine source of our happiness — the simplicity that surrounds us. Let’s cherish those moments, love deeply and laugh heartily, for these are the real treasures of life. Because, in the end, it’s not about how much you have but how much you appreciate the little you possess.



Sneha Bharadwaj

An IT Professional, a mother of two kids , a certified Yoga Teacher and someone who is very keen in sharing different perspectives about life and experiences.