Writing on Medium

My Love-Hate Affair with Medium

So You Think You Want to Write on Medium? Buckle Up, Buttercup.

Published in
5 min readApr 12, 2024


Photo by Microsoft 365 on Unsplash

Confession time: I have a complicated relationship with Medium.

It’s like that burnt-orange couch in your grandma’s basement — oddly comforting, full of potential for afternoon naps, but also stained with questionable beverages and harboring a vague musty odor.

Here’s the thing: Medium is a fantastic platform.

It’s democratic, accessible, and brimming with talented writers.

I’ve discovered brilliant articles on everything from astrophysics for dummies (because, frankly, sometimes even space needs ELI5 treatment) to the history of competitive tickling (yes, that’s a thing, and yes, it’s hilarious).

But like any good love-hate story, there’s another side to the coin.

cue dramatic music

So, before you dive headfirst into the wonderful world of Medium, allow me, a weary traveler who’s spent a considerable amount of time on this platform, to share my experiences.

The Allure of the Algorithm Gods

Let’s start with the good stuff.

Medium boasts a sophisticated algorithm that can, in theory, propel your masterpiece into the internet stratosphere.

Imagine it: you write a heart-wrenching story about your goldfish, Bartholomew, and suddenly, it’s getting shared by celebrities and sparking international goldfish empathy day.

The validation!

The engagement!

The sheer number of “bravos” raining down upon you like a digital confetti parade.

The Harsh Reality of Reality

Except, that rarely happens.

More often than not, the algorithm is like that kid in elementary school who hoards all the best dodgeballs — shrouded in mystery and frustratingly unpredictable.

You spend hours crafting a meticulously researched piece on the mating habits of the Patagonian Mara (because why not?), and crickets. Tumbleweeds.

The internet equivalent of tumbleweeds.

The Frustration of the Follow Game

And then there’s the follow game.

Let’s face it, we all crave that sweet, sweet follower notification.

It’s a dopamine rush, a tiny pat on the back that whispers, “Hey, someone actually read your thoughts on the existential dread of houseplants!”

But here’s the catch: getting followers on Medium can feel like trying to herd cats. You follow other writers, religiously clap for their work (Medium’s version of applause), leave thoughtful comments, hoping they’ll reciprocate.

It’s a social media dance that can leave you feeling like a desperate party guest, awkwardly hovering by the punch bowl.

The Pressure to Perform

Don’t get me wrong, there are some absolute rockstars on Medium who’ve built impressive followings and carved out their space in the online writing world.

But for the average writer, the pressure to churn out viral hits can be stifling.

You start questioning your every sentence, wondering if it’s catchy enough, SEO-friendly enough, listicle-worthy enough.

The Joy of Finding Your Tribe

But hold on, here’s another truth bomb: Medium isn’t just about chasing numbers.

It’s about connecting with a community.

There are fantastic publications catering to every niche imaginable, from baking sourdough bread (because apparently, during the pandemic, everyone suddenly became a baker) to the intricacies of competitive yo-yoing (yes, that’s also a thing).

Finding your tribe on Medium is a beautiful thing.

Suddenly, you’re surrounded by people who get your quirky baking obsession or your fascination with the physics of yo-yo string tension.

You can share ideas, offer feedback, and revel in the camaraderie of fellow wordsmiths.

Taking a Break to Breathe

Now, here’s the part where I, with a heavy heart (but also a newfound sense of liberation), announce that I’m taking a break from Medium.

It’s not a break-up, folks, just a temporary separation.


Because sometimes, you have to step away from the platform to rediscover the joy of writing for yourself. To write without the pressure of curation, claps, or elusive viral fame.

So, What Now?

This break is a chance to explore other creative outlets.

Maybe I’ll dust off my neglected poetry collection or finally attempt that historical fiction novel that’s been brewing in my mind for years.

Here are some other things I’m looking forward to during my Medium hiatus:

  • Reading actual books again, the kind with physical pages that don’t require an internet connection
  • Spending more time with family.
  • Taking a long walk in nature and letting the ideas flow freely, minus the nagging voice in my head that whispers, “Is this Medium-worthy?”

The Unending Allure (and Allure-Freeing Power) of Medium

Who knows, maybe this break will reignite my passion for writing on Medium.

Maybe I’ll come back with renewed vigor, a fresh batch of stories, and a newfound appreciation for the platform’s quirks and all.

The beauty of Medium, and perhaps writing in general, is that it’s a journey with no set destination.

It’s a playground for exploration, a platform to share your voice, and sometimes, a place to get gloriously lost in the process.

Here’s the bottom line:

  • If you’re new to Medium, welcome aboard! Embrace the adventure, but don’t get discouraged by the initial hurdles.
  • If you’re a seasoned Medium warrior, battling the algorithm gods and the follow game blues, take a deep breath. Maybe a break is exactly what you need to rediscover the joy in the craft.
  • Remember, there’s a whole world of writing possibilities beyond the digital realm. Explore them, embrace them, and let the words flow freely.

Parting Words (with a Sprinkle of Unsolicited Advice)

So, whether you’re a Medium devotee or a curious newcomer, here are some parting words from your friendly neighborhood writer-on-a-break:

  • Write for yourself first. Don’t let the pressure to go viral dictate your creativity.
  • Find your tribe. Engage with other writers, discover publications that resonate with you, and build a supportive community.
  • Embrace the journey. Writing is a process, not a destination. Enjoy the highs, learn from the lows, and keep putting those words on the page.
  • Take breaks! Sometimes, stepping away is the best way to come back refreshed and inspired.

After all, isn’t that what writing is all about?

Capturing thoughts, sharing stories, and leaving a little bit of yourself on the digital page (or, you know, in a dusty notebook at the bottom of your drawer).

So, until next time, happy writing!

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