Prompt- Special Moments

Do you remember your special moments?

Warren Brown
Published in
2 min readJul 5, 2021


Photo by John Oswald on Unsplash

The prompt for today is “Special Moments”.

  1. Do you remember your special moment?
  2. Your friend had a special moment and wanted to share it with you.
  3. You create a special moment for someone.
  4. What are your special moments as a child, which you still remember today?
  5. You are having a special moment in your life right now, how are you feeling. Describe your emotions.
  6. You keep a journal with your special moments. You have now lost that journal. Do you remember your special moments to list them in a new journal.
  7. You are a good illustrator and you are offered the opportunity to illustrate the special moments for a child’s birthday gift.
  8. Something dramatic happened after your friend’s special moment, what were the two events?
  9. What makes a moment special for you?
  10. Name three people who gave you special moments in your life. Your first teacher, your first love, your best friend.

I hope that you enjoyed reading this prompt. Warren Brown

