“The Writer’s Way to Weaving Words into Worlds”

Symbols and Illuminations on a Writer’s Journey- Chapter 6

The “Storyteller’s Owl Coin”

Warren Brown
Published in
2 min readJul 8, 2022


Image created by the Author, Warren "Storyteller" Brown

As a writer of stories, I am always looking for and finding signs, symbols, and meanings to life and living in ordinary things. Yesterday, I was guided to create the idea and design of the “Storyteller’s Owl Coin”. The owl has a number of meanings, in some cultures, it signifies good luck, while in others it symbolizes death. The owl also represents knowledge and wisdom.

I had never thought much about the owl, and what it could mean in life. Why was I guided to the owl, I wondered to myself? The storyteller is always looking, observing, and creating stories by what he or sees and feels within himself or herself.

In life, we observe so many things, yet there are a few things that speak to us and seem to hold some significance. What did you observe today that made you stop and look twice or think about it, was it a person, an object, or just an event?

Image provided by the Author Warren "Storyteller" Brown

The Storyteller looked at the owl sitting on the tree, he was mesmerized by its large glowing eyes. The…

