The Quality Of A Human Life

A Reflection on Suffering

Michael Holford
Published in
2 min readSep 14, 2023


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

What determines the quality of a human life

is not how little pain and suffering we experience,

We can shy away or hide from pain and suffering

And be passed by when life offers its best gifts!

Often at a point in time when least expected.

What determines the quality of a life

is the question of character, of virtue,

the depths of compassion and courage we acquire

In dealing with our own suffering and that of others!

We should not wish suffering on anyone,

But it is often in the midst of suffering

When we find our centre, we clarify our minds,

and recognise our deepest dreams for happiness,

No matter how cunningly we evade pain and tragedy,

If we make passivity and timidity into virtue,

we will cultivate not courage, but cowardice,

not strength but fragility, We should strive for valour,

No life is left untouched, no heart will not know sorrow,

