Writer on Writing

Writing Prompt: Does Life Influence Writing and Does Writing Influence Lives?

We write what we feel and we live what we write.

Published in
2 min readMay 19, 2024


It has been said that writing is power.
“The Pen is mightier than the Sword”.
It is possible for writing to influence minds.
It can bring about change of every kind.
Be careful of what you read and write.
You could become as clever as Solomon,
Or as silly as a clown flying a kite in the night.

The thoughts we think in our heads,
We can put it down in the most powerful words.
We can breathe life into the simplest ideas,
To make rhymes and songs that are so musical.
Music that can sound like chiming cosmic spheres.
The words we read and the ones we write,
Can we make our lives positive and bright?

Are we transformed by the thoughts we think,
The ones that disappear in a quick blink?
Are we always evolving as individuals every day?
By everything we read, write, do, and say.
A couple of words can change our minds and life,
They can make us do the impossible every day,
As we believe in ourselves and overcome strife.

