Your New Year Resolution to be a Successful Writer

Start with a plan and strategy for Success Today

Warren Brown
Published in
4 min readNov 26, 2021


Photo by Matthew LeJune on Unsplash

Are there any great benefits to being a writer, even if you are not a successful one? As a successful writer, the world is your oyster. But, as a struggling writer still waiting to get a break with a bestseller, it is not such a lucrative profession. I think that the best thing to do would be to keep your writing as a side hustle, till you make it as a successful writer, who can survive and pay the bills with the income from your writing. In the meanwhile, just stick to doing that boring day job.

A reminder of the benefits of being a successful writer is given below, it is something to look forward to once that status is achieved. Make becoming a successful writer your New Year Resolution.

It increases writing job opportunities: The gigs will seem to just flow to you, once you have established yourself as a writer. Sometimes it takes a few years, while at times, it just takes one great job to open the doors of luck and opportunity for you.

Develops the thought processes: The more that you keep writing, you will find that it is easier to write materials without thinking too much about them. There was a time when you needed to make two drafts before you prepared a final composition. However, after a…

