Why Designers Should Write?

Interstellar Raccoons
Written Thoughts
Published in
3 min readNov 3, 2014

Language is a universal code, we are not able to exist out of it. However most proper language for design is considered the visual one. This can be explained by the nature of design itself which is changing nowadays, plus the fact that before majority of discourse was within the discipline so there was more graphic communication.

Now we go beyond disciplines and in the public arena, so visual language becomes less efficient as it’s less readable for the third parties.

Our blog goal is simple: we have made things and suddenly just felt a need to explore the written implication of some concepts we understood by doing. It’s a reversed pyramid — there are people who write the whole book and then in the end they would add practical implications of the topic. On the contrary we’ve done a lot and now just add a little layer of considerations that emerged from experience and seem worth being shared with others.

Unconsciously following a completely lean approach we have been testing ourselves on variety of absolutely different projects. All of them were concrete, the overall amount is more than 70.

We thus believe we developed a deep and specific understanding of what does it mean to be a designer nowadays as well as on number of other topics:

  • which is the new role of a designer in society?
  • which is the relationship between design and entrepreneurship?
  • which role will be playing craftsmanship and artisans in new ventures?
  • how can these new activities be related?
  • which kind of new ecosystems, market or production chains will they produce?
  • how can these affect local development policies?
  • inside of this new framework how can be design disciplines and tools fine-tuned in order to better fulfill our goals?

We’re shaping the text really close to the way we are thinking and it’s also simply about clearing mind rather than stating ground breaking concepts.

We are thinking while conversing between each other sitting in the bar, but we’d like also to trigger wider conversations online as it happened that we have got this privilege to know many people.

Therefore as also Medium provides amazing opportunities to comment on each sentence in the post, often we don’t even want to publish any final statement on topic, but an introduction to make others consider it and list of questions to respond altogether.

Then everyone is welcome to contribute.

Further we are planning to explore the following topics:

  • what designers do — reflections on the profession and its place in the world;
  • related topics from ecosystem on subjects to be designed;
  • designing your own tools and emerging new toolbox;
  • learning environments.

