No Image of God Is Sufficient


Photo by Carolina Pimenta on Unsplash

There is an ancient principle in Catholic spirituality in which every concept of God eventually falls away and you are left in the dark for a time until you rediscover Him again. Many writings of the saints and mystics will tell you to expect this the more you draw close to God. Sometimes that dark period can last for years as it did with Saint Mother Teresa.

You can find a whole host of divine images and descriptions in any kind of popular media. Some celebrate concepts from the God who heals every one of your ills and wraps himself in the American flag to the one who is ready to cast every communist in Hell.

Mystics often relate a point in their spiritual journey where they realized that any image of God is insufficient. It is like coming to fully understand God and then watching your comprehension disappear in front of you. You find yourself in the dark groping for a return to that moment of light only to realize you have to begin searching all over again for Him on a deeper, truer level than you had prior to His vanishing act.

All is straw

Any of the current concepts of God by any form of media from video to the latest book by any bishop will fall short. Remember, St. Thomas Aquinas ultimately realized that all his writings — including in the Summa Theologica — were so insufficient he labeled them straw…

