The Clergy Letter Project: Bringing Together Science and Faith


Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

One of the differences in Christianity between Evangelicalism and other forms, especially Catholicism, is the interpretation of scripture. Evangelicals, building on Martin Luther’s teaching, root their doctrine only in a literal understanding of the Bible, whereas Catholics base theirs on scripture and Christian tradition.

Nowhere is this argument stronger, at least as it is seen by the secular world, than in the conflict between faith and science and more specifically evolution.

Catholics and other Christians long accepted the theory of evolution as a possibility whereas some Christians see it as a threat. The reason is due to the understanding of Bible teaching.

If you believe that every word of scripture is literally true and someone were to prove to you that God did not make the world in seven days, six thousand years ago, then that can significantly shock you into casting the whole faith enterprise away. Many former evangelicals do exactly that for they believe if one part of the Bible is not true then how can you believe any of it. Others, however, work to prove the literal interpretation of Genesis for the same reason.

