The Clique

Donald Raab
Written From The Heart
Mar 18, 2021

A poem about limiting yourself.

Reaching for the sky and staying in the same place with the same group — Armstrong Redwoods State Natural Reserve — Photo taken by Donald Raab


This is a poem I wrote in 1988 that was published in my high school’s art and literary magazine. I hope you enjoy the poem, and my selection of pictures to go with it.

The Clique

Watch out little fly,
Don’t get caught,
You’re in danger, run away quick!
Don’t you understand,
Spider’s web means spider,
Spider means death.
Oh well, if you must follow every other fly’s mistake,
Learn for yourself.
You’re about to join an exclusive group,
And once you’re in the web,
You kill off all other possibilities.
To put it simply,
You’re stuck.

-Donald Raab

Tate Modern, London 2004 — Photo taken by Donald Raab



Donald Raab
Written From The Heart

Java Champion. Creator of the Eclipse Collections OSS Java library ( Inspired by Smalltalk. Opinions are my own.