“There is No Way Through: Crawl Under.”

A poem about cycles: good and bad.

Izzy Petretich
Written From The Heart
Oct 17, 2020


Image by Izzy Petretich : original art.

More years beneath my belt, more pleasure in the bite of the cold-

Like the jaws of a playful hound around my arm.

I have marveled in pain for an eon, but bliss

has dripped itself into my tongue

and I am no longer collapsing:

collapsing into a heap- a puddle of self.

More years I will not wait-

Taken my soul and clogged it with another.

I did not water it.

I did not have patience with it.

I did not love it anymore.

It sat in my own wound and did nothing to heal it.

Love is a cannibal, the way she eats away at another human.

She leaves nothing but bones and guts the host.

Is this the same euphoria seconds before death?

I am not pure I will never be!

I want to rest beneath the roots of trees, I will become a dove.

