Why God Gave Me a Sister

Adele Chee
Written From The Heart
Jul 21, 2021

A poem

2 ladies with stripe shirts and a hat with a red rose brush in the background
Queen Mary’s Rose Garden in Regent’s Park, London

A reason for smiles and laughter, grumblings and whines,
Definitely a shoulder to cry on in sorrow and pain,
A confidante in boys and from make-up to fashion,
Cooing at each other like babies, yelling at each other like barbarians,
Hugs in the morning and kisses in the evening,
Every little gesture a meaning, sometimes taken for granted,
Enchanting musicals to engulfing rage of anger,
Calmness sets in before dusk turns to dawn,
Happy cartwheels and jubilant back flips,
Undying love overflowing from ungrudging hearts,
Indeed a treasure to keep but not in the dark,
Munchkin of all munchkins to be shown off to the world,
Endless praise of beauty and brains yet humble and kind,
I am so glad she is only one and she is my sister, mine.



Adele Chee
Written From The Heart

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