Life is a Roller-coaster

Doreen Barker
Written Therapy
Published in
5 min readOct 26, 2020


Life is filled with ups and downs, but it isn’t meant to be a ride we take alone.

Photo by Marty Finney on Unsplash

No truer words have ever been said. Life truly is a roller coaster. There’s always something swinging you from one direction to another. Up, down, sideways, steep incline, and a sharp fall. All we can do is buckle up and enjoy the ride.

I know it’s difficult sometimes and all that we want to do is get off. We beg for the ride to stop. The urge to just take a break becomes very vivid and very real. There’s an internal struggle of wanting to have hope that around the next corner, something good will happen yet, there’s also this fear that something devastating will too.

I’ve had a lot of changes in the past month that have me wanting to just GET OFF THE RIDE! But then the head screams, YOU’VE TRAVELED THIS FAR DON’T YOU DARE QUIT NOW! It’s a constant battle inside of my own head on what to do.

For the last 15 years, everything seems to have been an uphill battle at first glance. Hell, really if you look at my whole life, it all has been. BUT….

I learned that the incline can only last so long. It’s not really up to us how long that incline lasts, but we can actually learn to enjoy the view along the way. Suffering from anxiety sometimes gets in the way of the enjoyment. Depression makes the focus shift to the negative…



Doreen Barker
Written Therapy

Creator of Stories of Food Production, Farm Girl, Writer of Life and Mental Health, Abuse Warrior and Mentor