The Mission That Went Awry — Week #1

Written Weekly
Published in
1 min readJun 22, 2016

Prompt: Undercover for a top government agency, an injured alien breaks into prison.

Ten thousand light years away
from home,
he creeps through the prison passageway
cold and alone.

His right abdomen throbs
with every step he takes,
yet his delicate plans shall not flop
with lies and deception, he fakes.

As his nimble fingers traces
through every stone-cold walls,
his super-charged mind searches
through every man behind these walls.

No, no and no
they’re not who he’s looking for.
No, no, oh no
time is running out, he roars.

Soon, he came to a halt
stopped by a twenty-inch steel door,
this is it, he thought
I can search no more.

This creative fiction piece was crafted in 30 minutes based on a writing prompt as part of Written Weekly, a writers’ group held weekly in PJ.

