Every Fall, I Fall in Love

Timing is everything

Crystal Jackson
With Love
Published in
4 min readSep 18, 2024


Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

Autumn conjures many images for me. Falling leaves, bright trees, pumpkin patches, hayrides, bonfires, and s’mores. It’s scary movies and haunted houses, cozy evenings by candlelight, and wearing my favorite sweater when I curl up with a book. Balanced between the glaring heat of summer and the cool greys of winter, Fall feels like a slice of perfection.

It’s more than just an image. Even the thought of the season is a full sensory experience. Autumn is pumpkin spice and crisp apple cider. It’s a hot mug warming cool hands and the crunch of leaves beneath my shoes as I walk through town. The season is a brisk breeze and a Carole King song playing in the background. It’s a pumpkin grinning and fantasies coming alive, if for one day only.

Fall is for Falling in Love

As a teenager sitting on the back of hayrides, I always thought that Fall would be the perfect season to fall in love. While the other couples were snuggled together, I usually found myself either immersed in nature or lost in a good book. I’d never met anyone who felt like they fit with me, but I imagined that one day, I would share all the beautiful parts of my favorite season with someone I loved — someone who loved me, too.

