Five Relationship Tropes We Need To Stop Romanticizing

#2. “Life is pointless without my lover, and I can’t go on.”

Carrie Wynn
With Love


When I saw the Titanic, for the first time, I left the movie theatre with tears in my eyes and a newfound belief in true love.

Numerous obsessions with other romance films followed, but Titanic was the pivotal one. After seeing the movie, I believed that relationships needed to be dramatic, at times tragic, and full of nothing but a fiery passion.

Today, the romances that I once idealized have changed in my eyes. Noah doing everything to win over Allie in The Notebook borders more on stalking versus determination. Bella and Edward’s obsession with each other in Twilight feels more like codependency instead of passion.

Although these relationship tropes are misleading, they are still portrayed in cinema, which isn’t necessarily bad, but we need to reshape how we view them.

Here are examples of five relationship tropes that we need to be able to recognize and stop romantizing.

#1. ”A savior will alleviate all of my problems.”



Carrie Wynn
With Love

❦ Writer/coach specializing in relationships. Blog: Instagram: carrie_wynnmusings Support by: