The 10 Triggers That Control Perception (And Reality)

Barry Davret
Life skills
Published in
3 min readAug 12, 2018


Photo by Zachariah Hagy on Unsplash

Who doesn’t love a glass of red wine after a long day of work? After fighting through horrendous traffic, I stopped at our local liquor store and picked up a bottle of petit syrah.

There was a small problem.

We’re in the midst of a kitchen renovation. All of our wine glasses are in storage. The only suitable (and I use that term loosely) drinking apparatus was a small, yellow plastic glass designed for children. So what? It’s a glass. The wine still tastes the same.

Only it wasn’t the same. I’m sure it would have tasted the same as if I had poured it into a traditional wine glass. The experience wasn’t the same, and experience is what I want from a glass of red wine. My perception of the experience suffered from that chintzy yellow child-like cup, and the plastic covered furniture in our construction zone first floor.

Perception Matters More Than Truth

Here’s the truth. The chemical composition of the wine is identical regardless of the glass or cup you use.

Here’s the perception. I enjoy it a whole lot more if I drink it from a high-quality wine glass in an appropriate setting. So that perception is my reality.



Barry Davret
Life skills

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