4 Easy Steps to Eliminate Self-sabotage

Self-talk is the source of all self-evil

Michał Stawicki
Life skills


Photo by Engin Akyurt from Pexels.com.

“The way you talk to yourself is worse, certainly, than the way anyone else talks to you.” — Seth Godin

When I wrote my book about overcoming shyness, From Shy to Hi, I shared negative thoughts that crossed my mind when I was about to approach a stranger and start a conversation. It was a real slop bucket. I was blown away when every beta reader I shared the advanced reading copy with said: “Yeah, me too. I tell myself such atrocious stuff all too often.”

That was the first time I’d ever gotten confirmation that I was not a lonely madman. We all share this affliction. I started to see this theme again and again. Self-talk was affecting everything I was teaching about.


What you say to yourself determines if you will do your job well. In fact, your self-talk often determines if you do any work at all. And it’s your negative self-talk that makes you lash out at your spouse or your children, not what they’ve done or said to you.

It’s easier to start a new habit than to modify an existing one. And removing an old habit is downright impossible. They are hardcoded in your brain.



Michał Stawicki
Life skills

Authorpreneur. Progress fanatic. I help people change their lives… even if they don’t believe they can. I blog on http://ExpandBeyondYourself.com/