How to Grow to Love Work

Love of work needs some work to do — on yourself

Michał Stawicki
Life skills


Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from

I know two routes that are the variations of the same road:

1. Give your work a meaning.
2. Change your personal philosophy.

#1. A meaning

The notion of ‘loving your work’ is inflated nowadays. Because so many people can do today the work they love and it feels really awesome, they have this false notion, that everyone else can do that too. Yeah, maybe, but not instantaneously.

This attitude means that instead of loving their work, people start to seek other work they can fall in love with.

So, in fact, they do something opposite than what you’ve asked about. Instead of loving their current job and appreciating their effort, they despise it and look for a holy grail of awesome-to-be-beloved-job.

You can love anything you do if you give a meaning to what you do. I work in my day job to provide for my family. There is very little love in that statement for the job, but there is a lot for my family.
I don’t feel that my day job is making any significant contribution to the world even though I earn over three average salaries. The fact that I feel underappreciated by my wife doesn’t contribute much warm feelings about my job either.



Michał Stawicki
Life skills

Authorpreneur. Progress fanatic. I help people change their lives… even if they don’t believe they can. I blog on