How To Wire Your Brain For Creative Epiphanies

Barry Davret
Life skills
Published in
3 min readAug 22, 2018


Photo by Ana Tavares on Unsplash

I rushed out of the shower, threw a towel on and ran to my nightstand. That’s where I keep my journal. I held onto the towel with my teeth while I jotted down the all-important memo. I had come up with a great idea in the shower, and I was terrified of losing it before I put it down on paper. My wife walked into the bedroom and caught me in my unflattering pose.

“Did you get a good idea in the shower?” she asked.
I laughed. “Yeah. How’d you guess?”
“I need to get you a waterproof notebook,” she said.
“They make those?”

Don’t laugh. I had no idea these existed. A quick search on Amazon revealed the ubiquitous nature of these beautiful inventions.

Why Do We Get Our Best Ideas At The Most Inopportune Times?

My best ideas come when I’m showering or driving. I’m not unique in this. Do a Google search on why best ideas come when showering and you’ll see what I mean. There’s enough research to keep you busy for several days.

In short, you’re more likely to experience creative epiphanies when yo do something monotonous and solitary, like drive, shower or walk. Yes, you can do all these activities with other people, but the creative breakthroughs occur when you do them alone. These activities run on autopilot. You don’t need to think…



Barry Davret
Life skills

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