How To Create Pain And Sell More

Barry Davret
Life skills
Published in
3 min readAug 24, 2018


Photo by Yuris Alhumaydy on Unsplash

Few things irritate me more than the slow drip bathroom sink faucet. It’s the single drip every ten seconds that drives me to insanity. I easily fall asleep in the presence of a loud air conditioner or a fleet of trucks passing. That little drip every ten seconds keeps me awake for hours.

I’m not a handy person, so I called a plumber the next day. He fixed it and I slept soundly that night. My wife has been bugging me to take care of some maintenance issues around the house for months. I still haven’t addressed them. After one night of that leaky faucet, I wasted no time in making sure I’d find someone to fix it.

The lesson is critical for marketers and business owners.

People only take action when the pain of inaction overcomes our natural desire to conserve energy (inertia).

Inspiring people to take action is possible, but much harder and almost always insufficient. Inspiration fades. It requires constant reinforcement. Pain never goes away. It lingers like that last houseguest that won’t leave at the end of a party.

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Barry Davret
Life skills

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