The Single Greatest Personal Growth Tool At Your Disposal…

Throw Away Your Self-Help Books

Barry Davret
Life skills


How many self-help books do you own? Have you followed through on any of the recommended exercises, assuming they offered any? I’ve read dozens if not hundreds. Nothing I’ve read has produced any real long-term benefits.

I’ve given up on most of these books, not because of the string of failures but because I’ve stumbled onto a daily practice that’s produced significant positive results. I’ve gained a better understanding of what makes me tick. It’s helped make better decisions. Finally, it’s made me a better and more prolific writer. I credit this daily exercise with the ideas that produced the eight-hundred or so Medium posts.

I must warn you. It’s not a bright shiny object. There’s no button to push that will magically give you results.

The practice is observation. I do not mean from a meditation perspective. Nor do I mean people watching at a sidewalk cafe.

This is observation with purpose. Practicing this art form yields several benefits.

Writing Benefits

I make it a daily practice to observe myself and the actions of others. I pick the most exciting observation and write about it the next day. That creative process enables me…



Barry Davret
Life skills

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