Turn Daydreaming into Vision-Casting

It can supercharge life transformation

Michał Stawicki
Life skills


Photo by Mikael Blomkvist from Pexels.com.

I got this question on Quora:

How can I stop daydreaming? Since I was little, I’ve listened to music while daydreaming about the life I wanted to have. Recently, I’ve started again. I waste a lot of time that I should spend studying, and this habit could be unhealthy.

This is how I answered:

The one thing that will absolutely help you with this issue — if you implement it! — is to channel your “dreaming energy” into your life.

Daydreaming may be your escape mechanism and you need to make your life more bearable to stop escaping from it.

You have one huge advantage: you are daydreaming about the life you want to have. That’s a superpower.

You see, I daydreamed about being a hero in fantasy stories. I couldn’t even imagine the life in this world I would’ve wanted. I needed fictional worlds to do it.

Your leap from the world of your dreams into this world will be much smaller. What is more, it will immensely help you to fuel the switch from daydreaming to living.
I had a much harder task taking my mind away from a vision of myself as a heroic, muscular barbarian and putting this vision into my life. Those two pictures hardly overlapped.



Michał Stawicki
Life skills

Authorpreneur. Progress fanatic. I help people change their lives… even if they don’t believe they can. I blog on http://ExpandBeyondYourself.com/