How to Prioritise Assumptions with the Business Model Canvas
When you’re exploring a new business model, product, or service, it is important to validate your assumptions. The Lean Startup movement has taught us that. But how do you select which assumption to validate first?
In my previous post on prioritising assumptions, I showed a way in which you can formalise the prioritisation process using Google Sheets by looking at the available evidence and the impact of your assumptions. This prioritisation method will give you the most important candidate assumptions to validate: the assumptions that contain the most risk for your project, namely those assumptions that are both uncertain and impactful.
But, you might ask, how do we make sure different team members (and different teams) score impact and evidence level in the same way? This post aims to bring a bit more structure to this, by proposing more well-defined ways to score impact and evidence level.
🚨 Note that this post is Google Sheet heavy and may be less suited for those just starting out with assumption validation.
The method in this post is still under construction but has been tested in a number of cases and it helps bring more clarity to the prioritisation, especially when there are many assumptions to track or prioritise.