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🔮 Startup Calculator Redux 🔮

Erik van der Pluijm
Published in
6 min readJan 11, 2021


Every startup entrepreneur would love to have a crystal ball. I know I would love to have one! Wouldn’t it be awesome to know what is coming so you can anticipate?

As a startup entrepreneur, you have a lot on your plate. Figuring out your business model is one of these things – and it’s crucial.

The thing is, it is virtually impossible to know up front what business model your startup will end up with. In practice, you’ll iterate and experiment your way to something that works.

And still, even when just scribbling on the back of a napkin, you need ‘something’. You need to see if that vague outline of a business idea you have in mind makes any sense at all. You need to get out the old calculator and calculate the ‘what if’.

In 2018 we made the Startup Calculator to make it easier for people to understand the key drivers in a Saas / subscription based business model.

The Startup Calculator

That version of the calculator was great — if you have a subscription based business model. It was also quite simplistic.




Erik van der Pluijm
Editor for

Designing the Future | Entrepreneur, venture builder, visual thinker, AI, multidisciplinary explorer. Designer / co-author of Design A Better Business