7 FAQs About We Are Next Jobs

Why Our Job Board Isn’t Like Other Job Boards

Natalie Kim
We Are Next
3 min readFeb 28, 2018


A few weeks ago, we launched We Are Next Jobs, a job board done our way. We’ve gotten several questions about it, so we thought we’d answer them all at once. Here goes!

1. Why a job board?

To be honest, it wasn’t something I was looking to add to We Are Next. The thought of managing a job board was daunting, and there are a lot of other places to find jobs online. But over 90% of respondents to our Reader Survey said that a job board would be very-to-extremely helpful, and that was that. We Are Next is always in service of what its audience of students and jr. talent wants.

2. You said there are lots of other places to find jobs online. How is We Are Next Jobs different?

We Are Next Jobs only lists handpicked internship and entry-level opportunities in the advertising and marketing industry, separating what fresh talent is looking for from all the noise out there. Like all the “entry-level” jobs that require 3+ years of experience. Or all the sales roles that come up when you search for “marketing”. To ensure fresh, high quality opportunities, listings are capped at 24 at a time.

3. Wait, 24 at a time?

Finding and vetting opportunities takes time. In order to make sure they’re all high quality leads, while also protecting time to continue running all the other parts of We Are Next (The Weekly, the We Are Next Podcast, partnerships, events, etc.), the board is capped at 24 listings at a time. If you’re looking for quantity over quality, check out job aggregator sites like Monster, Indeed, or CareerBuilder.

4. How often are listings refreshed?

Listings are refreshed once a week, usually on Sunday evenings so you can start your week with a fresh batch. The entire list is refreshed, meaning all listings from the past week are taken down—even if its deadline hasn’t passed. (For extended listings, please see question #7.) Additionally, we do our best to delete links that go dead throughout the week.

5. How are opportunities chosen?

We go out and do the legwork for you across a multitude of sources and connections within the industry. Alternatively, someone within the We Are Next community shares an opportunity with us. We make sure each week’s list includes a healthy variety of roles, agency sizes, and geographic locations. We tend to favor paid internships over unpaid ones, though many don’t specify upfront.

6. I’m an agency with open opportunities. How do I get on We Are Next Jobs?

Awesome! Send us your listing details for consideration. Listings are limited to 2 per agency to maintain a diverse mix of opportunities.

7. What if I want to post a featured listing and/or extend the duration of my listing?

Become a We Are Next Jobs Partner to call special attention to your listing on the board and in our Weekly email, and/or keep your listing live for more than one week (and to support We Are Next!). Contact us for more details.

Bonus: How did you come up with the format?

We were 100% inspired by our friends at RadJobs, who run a robust job board for their tech/consulting/finance community. A big thank you to Khe Hy and Patrick South for their help and support.

Check out all of We Are Next’s resources at we-are-next.com, and subscribe to our Weekly email for advice and insight from the industry, delivered Mondays.

Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed it, clap away. Want to help spread the word? Share this piece with people who need it most — friends, professors, colleagues, mentors and mentees.


As a first time entrepreneur and chronic writer, I’ve been wanting to document the experience of building We Are Next. WRNXT BTS is an open account of the highs and lows of starting and growing a resource for the next generation of advertising talent.

