Free art idea #58

Halim Madi
Wrong for years
Published in
4 min readApr 10, 2018
Anger ritual stage 4. The pinning.

This one is called “the anger ritual”.


  • The artist will costume as a shaman for this performance and embody a human being channeling the forces we can only sense and never fathom.
  • She will pair each of the participants with a strong man or woman.
  • She will make sure each participant has a squishy and comfortable foam mattress underneath them. If the artist thinks of a better way to enact stage 4, she is free to find an alternative to the foam mattress.
  • A form stating that the participants are OK being touched by said strong man or woman. This form is to be signed by the participants.
  • A room that contain all participants very comfortably and where loud noises won’t affect or worry any neighbors.


The artist will guide the participants through a 5 stage meditation. She will voice out the following instructions:

“We will go through 5 stages meant to channel, externalize, embody, surrender to and accept your anger. You will listen to my voice and follow the instructions. We will start now.

Stage 1. Call your anger.

Think of something or someone that’s made you angry. This can be recent or not. Picture them. Focus on them.

One minute wait

You will either notice your brain either repressing that anger in an attempt to have your nicer self take over or it will engage in a series of thoughts to resolve the situation take revenge in a hope to put an end to the anger or the brain will simply shift to another thought. In the latter case, this is either an escape from anger due to its intensity or a lack of interest in that emotion. It could also be that you’ve never angry in your life in which case this ritual might not be relevant for you. In all the other cases, let your mind focus back on the anger itself. The feeling itself. The rage. Give it power like a coach to a professional boxer would. Be its cheerleader. Let it grow. And as you do observe the fear this very prospect triggers. It’s ok. Letting your anger grow will not kill you. It will not corrupt your soul. It will not irremediably re-wire your brain. This is a conscious and intentional choice you are making. And if you don’t feel like making that choice, you are free to stop and stay or leave. For those who don’t want to stop, focus your mind on your anger. Give it power, let it grow.

One minute wait

Stage 2. Feel your anger in your body.

When you focus on your anger, where is it located in your body? Is it in the throat? Is it in the heart? Where does the tension lie? Where does it hurt most? Feel that place and stay focused on your anger.

Stage 3. Let your anger take over your body.

From that place where it’s located let your anger expand. This might trigger the same fears we talked about earlier. Rest assured. You won’t turn into a maniacal angry monster. If anything our society has over-repressed our angry feeling and we’re embracing them again here. So for those who have chosen to continue, let your anger grow and take over every cell in your body. The following is listed slowly — See it reach your toes, your calves,your knees, your laps, your groin, your diaphragm, your lungs, your chest, your shoulders, all the way down to your arms, your hands, your fingers, your nails, and then back up to your shoulders, your neck, your chin, your cheeks, your eyes, your forehead, your ears, your scalp, your hair.

Stage 4. Prepare to express your anger physically.

Now the person who was paired with you will pin you down to the floor. (Make time for the strong man and woman to get in place) Make sure to give them feedback on whether their grip hurts or not. Alright. Feel the anger inside you again. Focus on it strongly. Remember how it took over all your body. And let it out. Let it explode. Let the rage be all over the place. Let it take over. (The artist is to encourage all expressions of anger) Shout for god sake! Move. Shake. Yes!

2 minute wait or longer. Let everyone express their anger fully.

Stage 5 — Feel your anger and don’t act on it.

Thank you for expressing your anger. The last stage is the 5th stage. Feel your anger. But don’t act on it. Feel it in your body. In every organ and part we mentioned earlier. And stay there. Don’t act. Just feel.

2 minute wait.

Thank you. You can rise now.”

