Free art piece idea #41

Halim Madi
Wrong for years
Published in
2 min readFeb 20, 2017
The Time / Income Arcade Arbitrage Game

This one is called “Life is a (mechanistic) game”.

The artist is to create toy-like installations similar to what one might find in old arcade centres such as the musée mécanique in San Francisco. The games are to represent hard and serious life arbitrages contemporary men and women are facing. One such example is the “Time / Income Arcade Arbitrage Game” where a mechanical figure’s arm point to “Time” and Income”.

Kid playing with the Time / Income Arcade Arbitrage Game

Some indications to the artist executing the idea:

  • The arms move at the same rate in the same way all the time.
  • The mechanistic figure should signify that the more time you have the less income you earn and vice versa.
  • The circular frame around the mechanical figure has two scales, each corresponding either to time or to income, as the two vary at different rates depending on the availability of the other. That correspondence could be indicated through matching colours.

As the audience plays with the installation and realises how invariable it is, a question should become obvious: “Why is it this way?”. The intransigence of the toy and its exaggerated mechanistic nature should make eery the fact we, as a society, are now stuck in one such life configuration and are henceforth unable to change it.

Installations can also be created for “Love / Sexual Pleasure”, “Enlightenment / Friendships”, “Ambition / Self-acceptance”.

