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It’s Impossible To Have A Straight-Sane Conversation With A Teenager!

Alice and her Kitchen
Wrong Ingredients


Where are we getting at?

Photo by Khashayar Kouchpeydeh on Unsplash

Trying to have a conversation with your teen is more like playing Ping-Pong ball. You hit it and it comes right back to you! You say one thing. It comes back as two. You say four. It becomes eight.

They say it’s hard to be on the same page on most issues with your teen. But sometimes the page itself feels so messy that you’d rather tear it to pieces!

I don’t know how many of you have experienced this. The unwarranted albeit funny repetition becomes crazy. Here is a sample conversation between me and my younger one.

Me: Tell me something…did you do your homework?

My Teen: Did you do your homework…

Me: I asked you did you do your homework?

My Teen: I asked you ‘Did you do your homework’…

Me: (baffled) Are you imitating me?

My Teen: No Mommy, not at all! You were the one who asked me to ‘tell you’ stuff!

Me: What do you mean? ok…is that my mistake to ask you to tell me something? Anyway…what do you want for dinner?

My Teen: Anyway…what do you want for dinner…

Me: Is this some sort of a joke?

My Teen: Is this some sort of a joke…

Me: Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Can’t we just talk like normal people?

My Teen: Raaaaaaaaaaaah! Can’t we just talk like normal people?

Me: You’re crossing your limits!

My Teen: You’re crossing your limits!

I have still not been able to figure out the status of his homework. Forget about getting it done. And my sanity is under serious threat!

Photo by Julien L on Unsplash



Alice and her Kitchen
Wrong Ingredients

Entertaining you with my kitchen stories! Life is beautiful...Be amusing, not amazing!!!