Journalism, Argentina and Superman.

Fran Di Benedetto
Wrong Ingredients
2 min readApr 29, 2024


Sky covered in dark gray clouds.
Image by Vita Leonis (@myfunkypixel) on Unsplash

Romantising going to university as a motivation to keep going.

The day was dark. Very, very dark clouds covered the otherwise bright sky with a grey fitting for a fancy male suit. Ironically, I wore a grey sweater and black pants.

I normally don’t need extra motivation to go to university. I am very disciplined as I am. Besides, because I already live a few blocks down from my university (and student apartments in-campus are not common in Argentina), when I have to take a class, I get out, walk to campus, pay attention to the teacher and walk back home. I could never be so ungrateful as to waste the chance of studying like this.

But still, extra motivation is appreciated, when found. That dark day was one of those days when sudden motivation kicked in. Now, in the form of a romanticised image: the image of Clark Kent and Lois Lane.

Vintage US journalists, a romance between competent co-workers, a classic comic superhero multiple times taken to the big screen, a handsome shy man in love with an intelligent woman… I’m just a girl, how could I resist such images?

So as I walked in grey under the huge grey, my wandering mind took me far North in the American continent, far behind in time, to a nonexistent land where journalists are happy and well-payed, well-dressed and good at romance. I was there: where there were no frontiers between Clark Kent and me, so I could go up to the radio studio and feel like the intelligent, outgoing professional he is contrasted with in a comical relationship dynamic.

For someone who had not meant to study journalism just until she was studying journalism, once in university, half a notebook and a few passed tests in, stealing from that land for her every day was much loved. Realistic as she is, she does need a dream to hold on to. Especially after she was sure Rory Gilmore was not in that inspiring fantasy.

