Things to Consider When Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency

WSI Comandix
WSI Comandix Markham
5 min readFeb 4, 2021
Photo by Unsplash

Hiring a digital marketing agency is a big decision for any business. With your reputation on the line and little room for error in your budget, choosing one that cannot provide sustainable growth could have a long-lasting negative impact. Over time, an agency becomes like a partner to your business, whose scope extends beyond mere marketing tactics. Choosing a digital marketing agency is thus a high-impact decision and should be done after careful consideration.

How can you find an agency that you can trust to accomplish the goals you set out together? You could Google ‘marketing agency near me’ and hope for the best, but it will most likely be a more involved decision-making process than that. These are six things you should consider when evaluating your digital marketing agency options.

6 Signs of an Outstanding Digital Marketing Agency

A top digital marketing agency:

Knows the Difference Between Digital Marketing and Advertising.

Everyone knows that you need to advertise to promote your business, but many people do not realize that ads are just one of the many tools that digital marketers can use to achieve their goals. Some digital marketing agencies encourage this misconception by limiting their services to this one facet of the field.

A quality digital marketing agency does much more than just advertise your business. With the help of experience, skills, and technology, they can develop a customized marketing plan. They will help set realistic goals, identify your target market, and deploy multiple strategies and tactics that will help you succeed. Some of the leading full-service digital marketing techniques include:

· Web Design

· Content Marketing

· Paid Marketing

· Search Engine Optimization

· Email Marketing

· Social Media Management

Focuses on Clients’ Overall Marketing Strategies, Not Just on Campaigns

Most digital marketing is done in the form of campaigns: short, focused bursts of marketing efforts with specific short-term goals. Campaigns are so common because they are easy to measure and break marketing work into manageable chunks. However, they are, by definition, limited in their scope. Many internet marketing agencies struggle to turn successive campaigns into a coherent long-term marketing strategy or scale up to an omni-channel marketing engine.

Good marketing requires constant progress toward a larger overall goal. Instead of working in spurts through small campaigns, an exemplary digital agency devises a marketing plan that includes continuous year-round efforts and that will push the company to greater and greater success over time.

Builds A Well-Rounded Professional Team

Marketing is an extremely diverse discipline, and no single marketing professional is adept at every one of its many facets. As a result, many marketing agencies hire generalists who do not have the specialized experience needed to produce great results.

Top marketing agencies understand that to produce the best work for their clients, they must invest in skilled staff members who can produce the exceptional work their clients want. They hire the best and brightest in the field and leverage each individual’s strengths to create a powerhouse team for your business’ specific needs.

Values Data Transparency

The effectiveness of digital marketing is easily shown in the data, but some agencies are reluctant to provide all of it to their clients. Hiding some of the data or presenting only selective metrics makes them look more capable or valuable than they are and lets them show you success that isn’t necessarily accurate.

A trustworthy agency will not only be willing to show you all the data, but they will also insist on it. They will be proud of the results they have achieved and want you to see how valuable their digital marketing services have been.

Adapts Quickly to New Data and Incoming Trends

Digital Marketing is an ever-shifting field that demands growth and change. When an agency tries to stick to the same strategies year after year instead of adapting to new developments in the discipline, their clients will struggle to achieve the same results as their competitors and may even begin to lose some of their market share.

The best digital marketing agencies know what is going on in the world of marketing and are eager to apply it to their work for you. If a new and exciting marketing strategy is on the horizon, they will investigate its potential and consider implementing it for your business. On the other hand, if one of their new approaches is not producing the results they had hoped for, they will abandon it and try another. Through their exploration, they will discover the marketing methods that work best for your business.

Facilitates Strong Relationships Between You and Your Customers

Many digital marketing agencies feel that their role is to take over as much of the day-to-day marketing operations of their clients as possible, asking for direction or guidance as little as possible. While this approach does demonstrate a genuine desire to provide good customer service, it is short-sighted and will not produce the best results. No marketing agency knows your business as well as you do, and your customers and leads will sense that disconnect in your marketing.

The best marketing agencies understand that their role is to help you connect with your customers, not to take your place in these interactions. They let you lead the way, asking for your input when crafting marketing materials and deciding which leads to pursue. Giving clients the opportunity to take a more personal approach creates authentic, meaningful relationships that ultimately drive far more sales than generic marketing ever will.

Never Settle for Less than the Best

Hiring the right marketing agency can make a massive difference to your business’ bottom line. Marketing agencies like WSI Comandix are committed to performing high-quality work, and the results they achieve speak to their dedication to their craft.

Evaluate prospective marketing agencies as thoroughly as you would a new employee and choose one that inspires confidence in you. If you find an agency that truly excels at their work, they will be much more than a vendor to you: they will play a key part in your business’ growth journey.



WSI Comandix
WSI Comandix Markham

WSI Comandix is a top digital marketing agency, providing SEO services, web design, PPC, and more to clients throughout the GTA since 2000.