Walk-through of Cellery hub

Minoli Perera
Published in
4 min readOct 30, 2019
Cellery hub (https://hub.cellery.io/)

Cellery hub is the central repository to store and maintain cell images which can be shared among other users. You can find and pull already built images and also push your own images to your organization. Cellery hub is accessible through https://hub.cellery.io.

Note: If you do not have prior experience with Cellery, we suggest you to refer our Cellery site and documentation so that you will have an idea about cell images. Also, you need to install cellery to perform cellery hub login, pull and push operations.

This article will take you on a walk through on the key features of Cellery hub.

Explore images and organizations

You can search for public cell images or organizations from the explore page.

Explore — images and organizations

From here you can go to image overview and organization overview pages.

Image Overview

You can select a image to see the version list and the overview details of the cell image including Cellery commands to pull and run.

Image Overview

Select a version to see the version overview details including cell dependencies.

Image version overview

Organization Overview

Select a organization to see the image list and the overview details of the organization.

Organization overview

Cellery hub Login

You can login to Cellery hub with Google or Github. When logged in you will additionally see “My Images” and “My Organization” buttons in the top navigation bar.

In my images page, you will see the images you have already pushed to cellery hub.

My images

My organizations will list the organizations you are part of and provides the option to create your own organization.

My Organizations

Pulling images from Cellery hub

You can pull an already built image and reuse by using the following cellery CLI command. You need not login to CLI to pull images.

$ cellery pull <org-name>/<image-name>:<version>
$ cellery pull wso2cellery/pet-fe-cell:latest

Pushing images to Cellery hub

If you want to push images to Cellery hub you need to log in to Cellery hub through CLI. Execute the below command to login.

$ cellery login

After running this command a browser tab will open and show the Google and Github login options. After successfully login you will see the following screen.

Now you are able to push your images to Cellery hub. If you do not have an organization at this point it will ask you to create one as it is mandatory to have a organization to push a image.

Once you are logged in through the CLI you can use the following command to push the image to your organization.

$ cellery push <org-name>/<image-name>:<version>
$ cellery push minoli/pet-fe-cell:lastest

Another way to push images is using a long lived access token. Login to Cellery hub through the browser and click on the user name on the top navigation bar. Go to “My Profile” page and click on “Show CLI Credentials” button.

CLI Credentials

Get the user ID and access token and execute the following command to push your image.

$ cellery push <org-name>/<image-name>:<version> -u <user-ID> -p <access-token>

Then go to “My Images” and “Explore” to see your recently pushed image in the listings.

Edit/Delete images and versions

You can edit and delete your images, versions and organizations by selecting the options from the three dot menu on the title bar. Details include organization and image summary, and description, organization URL and image keywords. When saved, these details will be updated in the relevant overview pages.

We hope you got an overview of the main features of Cellery hub and the steps to pull and push your cell images using Cellery CLI. Try it out!

