Choreo reusability features for developer productivity

Chanaka Fernando
WSO2 Best Practices
3 min readApr 27, 2022


Let’s learn Choreo’s reusability features


Developer productivity does not necessarily mean individual productivity of developers. It also means the collective productivity of the team. As an example, how many product releases a team achieves within a time period is a measure of developer productivity. Hence it is essential to make sure that developers don’t duplicate work while working on delivering projects. The solution for this is to reuse the work that others have already done. But setting up a solution to reuse the services and applications that are developed by the team is a time-consuming task. Most enterprise teams would go for a solution such as a governance product that can host services developed by different developers and different teams. But setting up such a solution is not easy.

Choreo methodology

Choreo comes with a built-in registry to share applications amongst teams. It provides 2 components to share applications within Choreo.

  • API Developer Portal
  • Choreo Marketplace

API Developer portal

The API developer portal is used to share the APIs developed within the Choreo platform with the API consumers such as application developers. This helps teams to reuse already developed APIs without reinventing the wheel. The figure below depicts a sample API on the Choreo developer portal interface.

Figure: Choreo API Developer Portal

This portal allows the API consumers to perform tasks such as

  • Search and Discover APIs
  • Subscribe and try out the APIs
  • Download the SDKs
  • Read documentation
  • Share feedback via ratings and comments

With the proper API governance and organization/group management, large enterprises can manage APIs across teams using this portal.


The Choreo marketplace is used to share the connectors and triggers (tasks) that are developed by the same organization or by other organizations. As an example, users can reuse 100s of connectors developed by Choreo to connect with systems such as SaaS applications, databases, and other systems using the marketplace.

The figure below depicts the Choreo marketplace interface.

Figure: Choreo marketplace feature

Choreo comes with a built-in marketplace that can be used by the developers to share their work (services, APIs, connectors) with other developers within the organization as well as outside the organization. This provides a major boost to developer productivity since developers can search for already existing components and reuse them without wasting time on writing them again.

Choreo marketplace comes with features such as

  • Search for available connectors
  • Categorize connectors with labels
  • Filter available connectors
  • Connector usage data
  • API Documentation

These features help developers to get a firm understanding of the available components and choose the best one that is related to them.

Reusable templates (samples)

In addition to these capabilities, there is a set of pre-built examples that users can reuse to quickly build commonly used integrations. These are available on the Choreo home page under the “Create from a Sample” section as depicted in the figure below.

Figure: Choreo samples

These templates are designed based on well-known integration patterns and these are ready to deploy to the production environments with the related configurations.



Chanaka Fernando
WSO2 Best Practices

Writes about Microservices, APIs, and Integration. Author of “Designing Microservices Platforms with NATS” and "Solution Architecture Patterns for Enterprise"