1:5 Details

(Week 9: Development and Feedback)

Wittawala Teekathananont
2 min readOct 22, 2019


For the final presentation, each group is required to have four details drawings that show the materiality and structure of the important parts of our design. Our group decided to make sectional details of stairs, roof, CLT wall with lamp hole, and CLT wall with window and shading system.

For study pods, we are using CLT as the structure and use wood as exterior cladding. We decided to use wood as the main material of the study pods because we want to create a relaxing working environment for students. The diagrams and sectional sketch below show the details of the CLT wall with the window and shading system.

Diagram of Study Pod

Feedback from Ferdinand:

  • Safety of users need to be considered as there might not be enough space inside the study pods for the screen to fold to the side
  • The material of the screen will affect the amount of light inside the study pod. Therefore, solid materials should be avoided and use frosted glass or louvers instead.


