Study Pod Taxonomy 1

(Week 7: Development)

Wittawala Teekathananont
3 min readOct 4, 2019


For our design, we want to provide as many variation as possible to respond to the fact that everyone has a different preference for their ideal study/working spaces. There are three different types of study pods, including individual study pods (2.5m x 2.5m), small group study pods (3.5m x 3.5m), and large group study pods (4.5m x 4.5m).

We began with making physical models of study pods with a range of window design. Each pod has different window shapes and sizes. Additionally, some windows are clear, and some are frosted. The purpose of the frosted window is to provide privacy within the pod for students who want to have access to natural light but do not want to get distracted by the surroundings.

Individual Study Pods
Small Group Study Pods
Large Group Study Pods


For the taxonomy, we classified the study pods by using the idea of the gradient we have for our design. Our first category is “lightness,” which we consider how much surrounding light can get into the pod.

For our second category, we focus on the “visual privacy” of students when they are working inside the pods. The visual privacy is important when designing a study space because it can affect the level of productivity and distraction.

The study pods are also classified by how the space inside is used. Some pods only have space for one student, while the other pods provide spaces for collaborative work. From our research, there are also some groups of people that prefer to have people around them when they are doing their individual work. Therefore, we added partitions into some group study pods to allow students to have their own working space within the shared room.

Digital Models of Study Pods


