3 Sexual Privileges Women Have That Men Don’t

Equality my ass

Meghan Madness
Dirty Little Secrets


Image from Google

Women have it good compared to men in the bedroom. This is one thing I will not waiver on, your opinions fail miserably when it comes to the obviousness of today's society.

If you’re a woman and disagree, you’re in denial. If you’re a man, you already agree 9/10.

Let’s break it down quick.

Since the dawning of time, women have had more power than we are aware of when it comes to sex. All we have to do is stare at a man and down goes his sword and shield.

1. Effortless

While there are some women out there who genuinely enjoy pleasing their partner, the majority of women do nothing but lie on their backs and get fucked, give the most basic blowjobs, or rant about how they can ride a dick when they can't.

There is an art to dick sucking and riding, so no, madam, you're not doing anything the next pussy cant.

All you have to do is be hot, exist, and open your legs and majority of men will use you, I mean, “value you.”

Men have to bring the grade A dick, and if they don't, some dumb rapper (forgot her name) will make a song calling him a “Munch,” because he's only good enough to eat pussy.



Meghan Madness
Dirty Little Secrets

I Write about controversial subjects. Typically Religious.