4 Reasons Why The Word “Consent” Is Important

The word goes beyond sex

Meghan Madness
Dirty Little Secrets


Photo made by the author on Canva

There are Memes, mockeries, and articles written about the word consent that paints an incomplete picture of the word’s meaning. Too many of us destructively associate that word with a futile message that isn’t taken seriously. People assume should consent should be apparent. Unfortunately, it’s not. Aside from the self-explanatory form of ignoring consent, that being rape, there are many other ways the meaning of consent gets brushed under the rug — all while diminishing the integrity and well-being of anyone who suffers due to this ignorance.

1. Flirting

Harmless flirting is one thing. Smiling at somebody, laughing at a joke, blushing at the site of someone you find attractive. But, there are other forms of flirting, ones that aren’t always wanted. Many people think that it is acceptable for a man to place his hand on the lower back of a woman when passing. It’s harmless, they say. He meant nothing by it! Kissing their cheek before they say goodbye, and other forms of affection that include physical contact.

I understand the confusion to an extent. Back in a different day and age, that form of affection wasn’t viewed as unfavorable. It was a way of showing gratitude or admiration. Unfortunately, 50+ years ago, respect was just as bland as…



Meghan Madness
Dirty Little Secrets

I Write about controversial subjects. Typically Religious.