4 Ways To Tell If Your Man Is Good Or Bad In Bed

Ladies, heed my warning!

Meghan Madness
Dirty Little Secrets


Photo made by the author on Canva

Ladies. Listen. There are hundreds of reasons to think of when determining if your partner will fail in the bedroom. But I picked the best four! Well, the worst, I guess.


If your partner exhibits any of these signs, I can guarantee you 1000 fucking percent they suck ass in bed. And unfortunately, maybe you don’t realize how bad they are in bed because you haven’t had a decent partner. But none the less, if your partner exhibits all five of these signs, I’m sorry. Send him my way, and I will school him for you.

Oh yeah. Stop faking your orgasms, ladies! If you’re doing it to spare his feelings, or make him feel confident, don’t. That’s bull crap. Look him in the eyes, and say, “you didn’t make me come.” We have way too many men walking around here all cocky and confident for no reason.

1. Yes my teeth and ambitions are bared, be prepared!

Yes, that is a reference to LionKing. Because it’s the greatest movie ever. Now, what I mean by this is the man’s preparation method.

Let’s make this real simple and listicle because it breaks down to self-evident reasons if your man pleases you.

He’s going to suck…



Meghan Madness
Dirty Little Secrets

I Write about controversial subjects. Typically Religious.