I Tried The Sex Straps And Got A Black Eye

Don’t buy cheap sex toys

Meghan Madness
Dirty Little Secrets


Amazon image

$19.99 wasted. Not only wasted, but they were violent!

I wanted to get freaky, and out of all the stuff I own, I’ve never had “real” straps, just ties and other random objects.

No, I wanted actual straps – the fuzzy cuffed, X-shaped, kinky ones.

So I went on Amazon. Like a human turd.

Not only am I 34 and never stretch, but I also assumed these things would hold me when I legit tried to escape them with every fiber of my being.

They gave in like my struggle was its safe-word.


So, low and behold, I was getting strapped and ready, and all was well. I looked like a stuffed pig, and I didn’t think my hands and feet, being bound together and backward, were attractive.

But my drooling, wolf-like husband said otherwise.

And the funniest part of the story isn’t what you’d expect…

So, as usual, I played the part. “Nooooo, I don’t want ittt, let me gooooooo.”

And he did the, “to baaaadd, get over heeeerrreee!” (Motal Kombat style)

And before I knew it, I felt like one of the spring-jolted plastic animals on the playground. You…



Meghan Madness
Dirty Little Secrets

I Write about controversial subjects. Typically Religious.