Men SHOULD NOT Cuddle!


Yohann LIBOT@yohannlibot

Women cuddle “after” is good for them.

It has long been an accepted unwritten rule of adult interaction that a woman determines a man’s level of sensitivity is to be measured by their willingness to cuddle immediately ‘after.” The quality of the act of cuddling would seem to be measured by the male’s ability to stay for whatever length of time deemed necessary to satiate the female partner’s needs. Wrong~

While arguable that some value can be extracted from the act of cuddling, I am here to say; the damage done to the male’s “Pride” far outweighs any immediate cuddling value of pleasure to the female. The many female-biased relationship experts have educated men that they should do as the female desires in romance if they are to be viewed as a valued mate. In this one singular area, Do not abide~

They are two “Afters!” The first, the females’ is in small caps, as in “after.” The second and by far, the more important is in large caps, the males’ “AFTER!”

Hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of males could be causing severe long term damage to themselves each time they believe that sensitivity is required to respect the female’s “after” desires. Therefore a more complete female satisfaction is to be measured by some unknown length of cuddling time.

*Due to the mature nature of this blog and having some younger readers, please understand that some liberties were taken in the use of language representing adult sexuality.*

Take some time to observe the behavior of other non-human mammals in nature after being engaged in the act of copulation. Observe carefully the particular habits of each male immediately following intercourse.

In almost every single case, the males will urinate. They do not cuddle! Biologist and veterinarians, along with other scientists that specializes in the studies of animal behaviors, have all agreed that the act of urination is for a specific reason only! That reason being, to mark or identify their territory as a signal to all other would-be challengers that this territory has been taken.

I do not advocate urinating around the room or generally around the residence as a practical human trait because I am confident it would not only keep males away, it would, I am certain, keep most females away as well.

Why then would this exercise of urination to defend one’s territory be restricted to only non-humans? The answer, because we humans are much more developed and therefore can verbally communicate the very intent of those urinating members of the lower species’ right!
Because the present scientific answer is an incomplete thought, I would submit that it is the human male behavior that has lost its way. Yes, I will agree that we have a much higher developed reasoning ability. We can, therefore, verbally defend our territory in more socially acceptable forms of behavior.

Still, the act of urination is an incredibly and critically valuable behavior that has now been lost. Lost is it to the uniformed herds of overzealous female supporting sexual specialists, having done so with their far less, “immediately” valuable act of cuddling “after.” These unwarranted modern adaptations of sensuality may be the foundation for many erectile dysfunctional problems now being faced by males.

The actual value in male urination post copulation is to flush the urinal track of all excess seminal fluids. This is an essential procedure that prevents latent and or premature clotting of the urinal and semen flow passages. Males will note, if left unflushed for an extended period of time, urination at a later time becomes much more uncomfortable. If left for hours, urination is accompanied by a burning sensation as the now hardened particles are attempting to be flushed from the urinal tract.

It is straightforward to agree; long term damage will result in an ever so slightly increasing, possibly slowing of sperm and, more seriously, blood flow.

The act of repeated non-flushing immediately could clearly lead to erectile dysfunctional problems.

However, again, let us take one other example. For those of you familiar with the game of baseball, observe the pitching staff’s treatment actions towards the retiring pitcher who is having just pitch, as times 3 / 4 of the game. What do they do!

Yes, they pack their pitching arm in ice.

Again, the question is, why? The answer, this is done to enhance the speed of reduction of swelling of that muscle. Also, by not allowing the blood vessels to remain unnecessarily swollen long after having delivered the required increase of blood flow, it will give longevity through the quicker recovery of those vessels. Now I do not expect men should be directed to sit in a bucket of ice (even though I think it has the greatest of merit). Even if I were to suggest it, I would most likely not be doing it myself; furthermore, there is a more practical and equally effective solution.

Again we return to flushing immediately “After”! While doing so, pouring cold water or washing the scrotum under cool water, just colder than your comfort, will not only reduce the swelling of that muscle it also stimulates urination and thus flushing. I would also add, this action is beneficial to females as well, but that is for the other side of the coin of this conversation.

If you wish to maintain your “Status” and reduce the possible need for medical intervention later in your sexual life, men should immediately “After” lessen the swelling by cold wash and urination to enable cleaning the urinal tract. Absolutely “Do not return to cuddle until you have urinated.”

Now return and cuddle “after” for whatever length of time you need. The mood will not be lost; a surprising result of using this method will benefit both partners when realizing most men will be READY to go again.
The special care of yourself will offer longer life because you have taken a very professional; nature’s intended, good care of your Tool! And like all great tradesmen, taking care of their tools is number one at all times.

It will be ready for your use when next called upon~
Thank you!




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