The Bible And God— Clearing Up The Truth For Non-Believers

1/3 of the population believe in God, so why don't you?

Meghan Madness
Dirty Little Secrets


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Stop. Before you go after your keyboard to attack, let me explain something.

I get it. I get why so many of you hate the very idea of God, and anything surrounding the idea of him. I understand how you have been pressed, prodded, and mocked by people who call themselves Christians when they know nothing of Christ.

I know you struggle with the questions of “why?”

Why does God kill people?

Why does God allow war, famine, and destruction?

Why? Why would you want to not only follow, but obey and love such a God?

Unfortunately, many of you have been misled by false Christians. Many of you were probably forced to attend church, berated by your parents, and condemned by people for even asking…why?

The majority of unbelievers grew up in a religious home, that's the funny thing! Unfortunately, they were only told that they have to believe, they have to do this, and that, and not told why they should believe. They were not led to make their faith their own, and that's the problem. It's like teaching a child to not touch fire without teaching them why.



Meghan Madness
Dirty Little Secrets

I Write about controversial subjects. Typically Religious.