The Ignored Sexual/Financial Grooming Of Men In America

Yes, it exists

Meghan Madness
Dirty Little Secrets


Photo made by the author on Canva

What is sexual grooming? It is a form of abuse that involves manipulating someone until they’re isolated, dependent, and more vulnerable to exploitation.

Typically, people think of children when they hear the word, “grooming.” but men and women are groomed as well. Young boys/men are groomed in a much different sense than most women who have been groomed, and personally, it’s a topic that’s hardly ever mentioned.

Sexual misconduct

Every time a woman walks up to a man and pinches his butt, rubs his chest, flashes him, or any other form of sexual assault, what do most men do?


Why don’t they do anything?

Because men have been groomed and conditioned into thinking that behavior isn’t predatory because a woman is behind the caressing and grabbing.

I know, most men probably could care less if a hot chick walks up and flashes her melons at him, but how would most people feel if a man flashed his junk?

Assault! Misogyny! Rape!

Men are taught from a very young age, especially in the past decades, that women can't abuse men. People used to/still do, make jokes about men being raped…



Meghan Madness
Dirty Little Secrets

I Write about controversial subjects. Typically Religious.