The Ins and Outs of Cock Shots

Zara Everly
Dirty Little Secrets
7 min readMar 21, 2021


How to increase the chances of a positive reception of a picture of your prized possession.

Cock shots are often much maligned. In general, cockss are. I don’t want to say that I don’t understand why they are a source of frequent complaints. I get it: some guys are such dicks especially when it comes to their dicks.

However, I do like cocks. I won’t take part in body shaming and so I am not going to label dicks as ugly or gross. I don’t think they are. In fact, some of them are really beautiful. Moreover, I do enjoy cock shots. Well, some of them. Why and when I like them depends on a number of factors.

First and foremost, before you send a dick pic, get consent.

Sending an unwanted dick pic to anyone is basically virtual flashing. Flashing is illegal. It is a sex crime. While virtual flashing is not always considered a crime, do consider that the laws are catching up to changing technology. It is illegal in Texas, for instance, and other states like New York have proposed bills.

Besides the possible illegality of it, sending a dick pic without prior consent shows a person who is at best not conscious of the ethics of consent and at worst, shows someone who flagrantly disregards personal boundaries. This is a huge red flag. What other boundaries will this person overlook? How else will…



Zara Everly
Dirty Little Secrets

Academic who occasionally forays into literary harlotry.