Why Homosexuality Is A Sin In The Bible — Understanding Scripture

Whether you believe the Bible or not, this needs to be explained better

Meghan Madness
Dirty Little Secrets


Before you let your anger get the best of you let me point out a few things first.

No, as a Christian I’m not condemning anyone, nor do I hate anybody.

Two, actual Christians not only show love, but they encourage it in others. Unfortunately, most Christians are hypocritical, and judge hatefully, not righteously.

Third, most of Western civilization is misled on the understanding of the Bible.

Fourth, only take the time to read this article if you are curious about the actual understanding of scripture via hermeneutics, biblical history, culture, and language during that period.

Fifth, I am open to discussion with people who want to communicate, any hateful comments are a waste of your time.

The Word Homosexual

Yes, The word “homosexual” is not an original translation; it was added much later. However, If the recent origin of the word homosexuality is proof that the Bible doesn’t condemn it, the same thing could apply to the words racism or misogyny. Words such as homosexuality weren’t part of the English language at all until the late 1800s. Yet those experiences existed before our modern words came to describe them.

We all know the verse:



Meghan Madness
Dirty Little Secrets

I Write about controversial subjects. Typically Religious.