Your Man Doesn’t Only Want You — Female Delusion Via Feminism

Disney, please exit stage left

Meghan Madness
Dirty Little Secrets


Image from

Yes, yes. I know, your man is your knight in shining tinfoil and is undoubtedly devoted to everything that you are.

You’re wrong. Kinda.

Sure, he may not be a cheater, or a porn addict, he may not hang out with the “guys,” but don’t get it twisted.

Men will always want endless sex from as many different bodies as they can acquire.

That doesn’t mean they will act on it, but that does mean it’s there — in the back of their minds/balls, the want will always be there.

The Male Brain

Since the dawning of time, men have been wired to want women for different reasons than women wanting men.

The natural process of picking a mate is different between the two genders, and that won’t change. It’s literal science. It’s how every living thing that can reproduce functions.

Men are visual creatures, much more than women are.

I don't need to provide a plethora of evidence, that's what the internet is for, I'll just give you the obvious basics.

What is the Coolidge Effect?



Meghan Madness
Dirty Little Secrets

I Write about controversial subjects. Typically Religious.