A Panel Discussion included, from left, CD4 Chairperson Dianne Bailey, Emily Tracy, CD4 House Candidate Bob Seay,, and Randy Wheelock. Also present, not shown, was declared CD4 House Candidate Chase Kohne of Douglas County.

Colorado Democratic Rural Initiative Meets

Win The Fourth


Colorado Democrats Rural Initiative met on May 20th above Beau Jo’s Pizza Parlor in Idaho Springs, Colorado. The subject of the meeting was Messaging. A consensus acknowledged that the messaging from the party central committee needs to be adjusted for rural Colorado.

Health Care was the issue most often mentioned by attendees. The privatization of public lands and property rights in general took priority, too.

A delegation from a Denver affiliate of Swing Left joined the meeting. We appreciate their presence and their effort to understand rural issues. CD4 is not being targeted as a “Swing District.”

Three individuals readying House runs in 2018 were present. In CD4, 2016 candidate Bob Seay of Prowers County, and newcomer Chase Kohne of Douglas County both addressed the gathering. Opposing Doug Lamborne in CD5 is Dr. Stephany Rose Spaulding. WTF is not picking winners in CD4. But we’re definitely betting on Dr. Spaulding!

WTF members Craig Stevens and Marcia Martin were on hand. You can see more of Craig’s photos of the event by going to our Facebook Page (username @WTFColorado).

Originally published in The Weathervane No 1 on May 24, 2017. [Subscribe]



Win The Fourth

A Force Multiplier for Progressives in Colorado's Fourth Congressional District