A little ray of sunshine

WTM Algiers - We Write
4 min readJul 10, 2021

Hi there!

Welcome aboard! I hope that you’re safe, healthy, doing well and that you’ve had a great day. Even if you don’t believe that was the case, I just wanna say : kudos to you for staying strong and for making it through the day despite whatever hardships you’ve stumbled upon, now give yourself a little pat on the back and get yourself comfortable because a little ray of sunshine is coming your way, as you continue to (hopefully, mindfully) read these scribbles of mine ✨

You probably don’t know me, and I probably don’t know you either and have no idea what’s going on inside that head of yours, but I hope this article would turn into a lively wholesome conversation where you solely listen to yourself with no judgements 🤗

The way I would love for you to start this conversation is by taking a few seconds to be fully aware of your thoughts and feelings at the moment, just be aware of them and give them the attention they need. Because it’s been a long day, and you probably didn’t have much time to focus on yourself, but this is your chance so, seize it! (it would also be great if you could write them down, it helps with keeping you conscious about them) ❤️

Now that you’ve managed to put the spotlight on yourself and classify whatever you’re feeling or thinking about (if you couldn’t yet, that’s okay! our minds sometimes get fuzzy and need a little more time to clear up the fog), let’s try to break them down one by one, shall we? 😁

I’m, first of all, gonna assume that you’re a student like me, going through exams or has already gone through them, and I’m gonna tell you some words that you may want to hear at the moment : This year has certainly not been easy! 🥺

A whole pandemic has turned our lives upside down, forcing us to fight the sleepiness back as we take online courses. Or maybe this academic year has simply been more pressured with projects, deadlines, exams and all. Maybe you just haven’t been able to perform as well for one reason or another. Maybe this, maybe that, I believe you know yourself best 🥰

But maybe you don’t fully acknowledge the fact that among all this chaos, you have managed to pull through it and make it to the finish line, the bruised, injured but courageous, scarifying and hardworking warrior that you are. Do you seriously think you don’t deserve to feel damn proud of yourself? that’d be straight up injustice, and we don’t accept injustice, do we? 💛

Give yourself some credit, you’ve given it your personal best, maybe not the fantastical best that perfectionisme’s rules promote, but the one that stayed in the norms of your own physical, mental and emotional well being. So, at ease, soldier! 💂

However, school might be only one of the things that have recently been taking a toll on you. Perhaps you’ve been feeling a little lonely, but also perhaps you’ve been longing for some calm alone time ❤️

Perhaps you’ve been craving for a little trip with your loved ones, but also perhaps you’re longing for a long walk on your own, or to simply spend the day at your home sweet home

Perhaps you’ve been bottling it all up, perhaps you’re in need of a listening ear or a shoulder to lean on, but also perhaps you haven’t been able to turn what you feel and think into words.

Or, maybe you’re longing for all of these self-relieving, but contradictory, things at once.

And believe it or not, that’s totally okay.

Yes, it’s exhausting, overwhelming and tiring, but you’re allowed to feel all types of ways, and no one has the right to blame you for that.

So give yourself permission to think and feel however it wants. You mustn’t feel guilty or bad for taking the time you need to reflect, rest and assign yourself a top priority. Don’t deprive yourself of answering its needs! 🤗

I may not have the exact remedy to what you’re going through (I wish I had it to myself in the first place x)), and that’s not the purpose of this article anyway, but I can definitely assure you that you’re not alone in this, and that whatever hard times you’re going through, and whatever issues you’re dealing with whether they’re related to your health or to anything in your dear precious life, know that they don’t make you “weak”, any less worthy or any less important 🥰

And know that, even if perhaps the reason behind you letting everything bottled up inside of you is that you haven’t been able to find an environment that carefully and mindfully listens to you and everything that you have to say, judgement-free, it’s never too late to at least find that one person that’s ready to split up the burden with you, but also remember that you’re your best company, because no one understands you better than you do (nevertheless, if you ever need an ear, I volunteer 👀 (it even rhymes)).

I believe that we can never do all these daily self battles and struggles justice via a couple of words, but I hope that at the end of this lovely conversation we’ve had, you’re at least a little more mindful of yourself, and that the little ray of sunshine it aimed to deliver has find its way to you ❤️

Thank you for taking the time to read these spontaneously written thoughts of mine, and until we strike up another conversation again, take good care of yourself, may the burden on your chest disappear as soon as possible so you would take a breather, and may you live your days as happily as you wish for and more ❤️

