WTVS. We Shared This Week: #19

Published in
4 min readNov 16, 2020

We share a pretty serious amount of stuff with each other on a weekly basis. Stuff we like, stuff that inspires us, stuff that makes us laugh, stuff we wish we made, stuff we should read, stuff we should listen to, stuff we should watch…STUFF.

This weekly post rounds up all the stuff we’ve shared with each other over the last seven days and gives it to you because, well, it’s always nice to spread the wealth. WTVS it is.

Amazon Halo by Buck

Why we shared it:

We love the work Buck did for Amazon Halo. The video’s modular set-up works perfectly for breaking down different features of the product and the way the animation flows from section to section is awesome. We also like the little nods of humor throughout. This video made us want an Amazon Halo, which is probably the best thing we can say about it.

How Do You Create a Successful Brand Collaboration in a Crowded Market?

Why we shared it:

This article comes right after we saw the Hinge and Headspace collab and thought “wow, that’s amazing marketing!” This article breaks down how to think outside the box when considering potential partnerships and how to strategize for long-term success.

Dropbox Flexible Future

Why we shared it:

After announcing they’re officially keeping their workforce remote, Dropbox released this video and accompanying content about the future of work. Obviously, at a time when none of us know what the future of work looks like, it’s cool to have dropbox make this move and give us food for thought for our own careers.

Medium’s rebrand by Collins uses typography as a “building block” for illustrations

Why we shared it:

We must admit when we first saw the new Medium icon we thought “WTF?!?” And, although we’ve adjusted to the look, we still kind of feel that way. We should say, for the record, that we like the rest of the re-brand…it’s just that damn icon we don’t think we’ll get over any time soon.

Why The Top B2B Brands Compete On Story

Why we shared it:

We are HUGE believers that people want to buy a story, not a bunch of product features. While some may say that for B2B products that’s not true, this article breaks down exactly why those people are wrong.

Google Rebrand

Why we shared it:

This is not a hot take but in case you live under a rock, Google launched a rebrand this week and people have been…not so into it. While one of us is neutral about the rebrand, the other thinks it’s a straight-up travesty.

Office Plants

Why we shared it:

This isn’t really marketing per se but it hit us hard and made us think about all of our office plants which are now, for sure, dead. RIP!

Patagonia’s Alex Weller On Branding and Protest

Why we shared it:

If you’re into branding then you’re probably no stranger to Patagonia’s rise to marketing fame. They are the poster child for living and breathing your brand purpose and incorporate it into everything they sell, the content they publish, and how they talk to their audience. Alex Weller’s take on Patagonia and protest is one for the books!

See ya next time!



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A group of designers, writers, and thinkers that focus on the creative side of marketing. Everything else is just WTVS.