WTVS. We Shared This Week: #23

Published in
3 min readJun 10, 2021

We share a pretty serious amount of stuff with each other on a weekly basis. Stuff we like, stuff that inspires us, stuff that makes us laugh, stuff we wish we made, stuff we should read, stuff we should listen to, stuff we should watch…STUFF.

This weekly post rounds up all the stuff we’ve shared with each other over the last seven days and gives it to you because, well, it’s always nice to spread the wealth. WTVS it is.

Premium Fonts- Microsoft Design

Why we shared it:

We like the typography in this video. The fonts used, which are all available as part of the Microsoft 365 premium subscription, tell a story and connect back to the product. It’s a bit abstract for Microsoft but we appreciate the artistry of this video.

Oculus Quest

Why we shared it:

This full series from Oculus Quest is unexpected, quirky, and funny. We always like it when a brand takes a different approach to grab attention and this definitely qualifies.

Animal testing

Why we shared it:

This video tells the story of animal testing from a different perspective…the animal. Flipping the narrative in that way really makes the viewer think about animal testing in a different light and, hopefully, see the horrors it inflicts on animals.

His Parents — Miller Lite

Why we shared it:

We saw this video and instantly wished we could do the sofa trick. You’re going to want to watch to understand what we mean. ;)


Why we shared it:

We love the simple, bright, and fun vibe of this campaign for Headspace by Buck. It uses simple shapes but tells a complex story, which is hard to do. Another winner from Buck!

Zendesk Museum of Annoying Experiences

Why we shared it:

This experience from Zendesk is definitely a bit weird and may miss the mark a little bit (it was hard to navigate and slow to load) but we applaud them for taking a risk. The concept of a museum of annoying experiences is funny and we like that it connects back to Zendesk’s brand of making customer service pain-free.

Mailchimp Presents

Why we shared it:

Mailchimp Presents is a collection of original content that celebrates the entrepreneurial spirit. We love Mailchimp Presentes because we believe wholeheartedly that tech companies need to become media companies (think of Dropbox, WeTransfer Presents, and more). The amount of new content they’re pumping out on a regular basis is astounding and we’d love to hear what the internal discussion was like when deciding to move in this direction.

See you next time!



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A group of designers, writers, and thinkers that focus on the creative side of marketing. Everything else is just WTVS.